As you explore the network, you may want to save a creator's profile to keep on hand. There are two ways to keep track of your favorite creators: add them to your roster or add a tag to their profile.
Your "roster" serves as your organization's list of ultimate favorites.
When browsing creators, if you see a creator that you would like to add to your roster, select “Add Roster” on their profile. You can easily find this list later by applying the "My Roster" filter.
To remove a creator from your roster:
On the Creator’s portfolio page, click the “x” in the top right corner of the roster name.
To create more specific lists, create any custom tag by clicking the checkbox next to the creator's name on the list, clicking "add tag," and either searching for and selecting an existing tag or creating a new one. You can use the "tags" filter to easily find that list whenever you want.